Thursday, June 2, 2011

Plan view of the new space, provided by Peter Lowe.

The new space was chosen for a number of reasons;
to allow better air flow and reduce noise in the exhibition,
and to allow visitors to use the play area free of charge.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Visit to primary school

This was a counting exercise I remember doing in school. I thought that the test-tubes could prove useful in replicating what the health of people in the 17the century might have had. Eery doctors surgery's, or test-tubes with solidified cakes or jewellery could be cool.

A pin-point map with all the capital cities in what looks to be Europe (?). Anyway, I like the geography aspect to this. The exhibition comes from a range of places from all over Europe, to morocco and far on. We should make a large map mural (magnetic) where the kids can move around carriages, people, clothes, food, etc... across the world. This would work well because kids from a young age (3-7) were very tactile and enjoyed moving and creating new things..especially the girls.
Kids aged 4 and 3. Plastecine was a success, however found it hard to copy my images. Maybe if we made very simple foods for them to make and arrange? Did result in hands getting dirty. I think that the MAKING of something was very important in keeping them occupied and interested. Teaching facts for young ages has to be straightforward and easy.
I got some girls to arrange the flowers and food on the dining set.

Some of the boys (6 and 7) made the 17th century castle they saw in the image

Here and There

A few bits and pieces I have found in my research.

Some music of the time in Vivaldi and Pachelbel.

Possibly incorporating sound into a wingback chair to create an audiovisual experience.

A vintage camera for photo opportunities, or at least a new camera disguised as a vintage camera.

Some light curtains might be a good way to hide the balustrades without taking away the light source from outside.

Cornices are an easy way to hide bland corners and can add so much to a room.

As for flooring, if a wooden floor would be too costly a rug could really tie the room together.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Possible Activity

If we were to have everything pre-cut out.
Also instead of using a mirror just use a reflective card.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thought this was cool.

A different take on filling an exhibition space...

Photo Booth Idea

One activity for the children could be to go behind a wall and put their head through a hole and have their photo taken as Prince or princess, It could be set up as a mock painting on the wall, children can put black beauty spots on their faces as many men and women did during the era (we could make rolls of stickers with these on)