Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Exhibition design activiites


Visitors manipulate flexible rods to create space frames in this highly open-ended design exhib

Wire mesh walls on the exterior of the Exchange allowed staff to display inventive creations from old objects in an ever-changing diorama of inventive possibilities.

Throughout the Inventors Workshop, we included "Punchlines"--inspirational quotes related to creativity that were meant to inspire visitors and add a sense of fun to the environment. This quote from Mark Twain extols the value of first-hand experience.


The Inventors Workshop included a special area for ages six and under, with developmentally appropriate activities to stimulate creativity and build the inventive spirit.

Hands On! designed a flexible wall-mounting system so that the Inductee Plaques could be moved each year to accommodate new Honorees into the chronological arrangement.

Visitors create their own sound compositions with this wall of strange, everyday objects that "speak" when touched.

One display in the "Collections" area of DO includes this humorous display of toothpaste from around the world, courtesy of artist Arthur Ganson.

Hands On! incorporated the work of artist Jennifer Steinkamp into the See area entry to beguile the senses. When visitors move in front of the pulsing projection, they become an integral part of the artwork.

Exits radiate from the tactile “Brush Wall” entry, opening onto surprising experiences in the SEE area, including this Laser Harp with which visitors can create wide-ranging musical compositions. Another unique musical instrument — the Slap Pipes — stands further back in the space, its angular PVC contrasting with the seductive wooden curves of the harp.

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